Leanne McCulloch Art

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“Mum, you need to sell your pants!”

I have been painting with a difference lately. I am a little bit excited about my new line coming very soon. I have been working on a clothing line which I have called my "Mum, you need to sell your pants" range.

My favourite clothes to wear are my painting clothes (believe it or not). I am the happiest and most comfortable when I am covered in paint, which means my clothes usually are too (and pretty much everything else). I like to wear my paint clothes everywhere, they are my daily work clothes afterall. When I would go to visit my son, he would nearly always say when I walked through the door, "Mum, you need to sell your pants"! There I was walking around in a masterpiece according to my fabulous son. And that always made me feel wonderful.

The last couple of weeks I finally started on this project. I will have organic cotton shirts & T-shirts, jeans & denim jackets. The shirt I have called the 'Freckles Shirt', it reminds me of chocolate freckles, and who doesn't love those!!! The freckles shirt will be available in a range of colours; black, white, pale blue & a soft limey green. T-shirts black or white only at this stage. I designed my labels which you can see here also. Just waiting for them to arrive plus a few more finishing touches and they will all be available on the website. I probably should have waited until everything was listed, but I am so excited I just couldn't wait to share. I am super happy with the way they have all turned out.