Leanne McCulloch Art

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The Sunrise

It is a brand new year, 2022. With the coming of the New Year I decided I would give the website a little makeover. You will notice sunrise images appearing prominently throughout the website. These images are all photographs I have taken from my home. Living on the bank of the Murray River affords me incredibly spectacular morning views, I do love a good sunrise. For me, there is nothing that awakens the soul more than the breathtakingly inspiring, splashings of colour stretched out across the horizon when you first walk out into the dawn.

New Year’s resolutions often play upon people’s minds at this time of the year. What have you thought about this new year? How would you like to change? I have decided I would like to live more authentically. Sometimes, we can be so caught up in what we think we should be, or even what other people want us to be. And sometimes we get so caught up within the busy metropolis we call life, that we just flat out forget who we are. We lose sight of who lives in our core soul level, our heart level. That place where our inner most self sits quietly listening to the breath of the Universe inhaling and exhaling slowly around us. This is the place I want to live and reflect from. So I am moving my focus to where it needs to be, and sharing my morning inspiration with you is the perfect place to start.

Happy New Year everyone. I wish you all well in this brand new year, and good luck with your resolutions.
