How to use a Wand
A crystal wand has a force field or aura around it like any other object. It is easy to feel that field when you slowly wave the tip of the wand over the opened left palm. Some people may also feel uplifted in their vibration just by holding the wand in their hand. But the actual value of the the crystal wand becomes apparent when you run chi, prana or life force through it. The handle acts like a capacitor, storing the chi, and the crystal acts like an amplifier and focusing device when the stored chi is released.
Chi (also spelled Qi) translates roughly to ‘vital energy’. It refers to the life force that flows through all plants, animals and human beings. ‘Chi’ is that ‘bio-electricity’ or energy in the body which makes us ‘alive’. It is also the life giving energy that permeates our universe.
Before any healing or other use of the wand, connect with the Earth by imagining tap roots going from your spine and feet deep into the earth. When inhaling a breath, imagine drawing the Earth’s energy from below the ground, up through your legs into your spine and heart. When exhaling your breath, imagine sending this energy from your heart through your arm and through the wand to the desired destination of the energy. The imagination is the tool with which you move the energy. As a healer you should never use your own energy, that would deplete you in a short time. Rather, pump the energy you draw from the Earth or from the Heavens. The crystal wand should be like the water hose with which you spray the energy.
You pump Chi by imagining on the inhale, that you draw energy through the top of your head into your heart, and on the exhale you send it from your heart, through your arm, through your wand, to it’s intended destination.
Beautiful example of a natural wood wand adorned with ornate wire wrapping, vintage mink fur, crystal chip beads and a stunning Wedge-tail Eagle feather.
There are many different uses for a crystal wand.
Charging of Water & Plants
Life force has always been the key to well being. So why not charge your food and water? Just point your wand on your food and pump energy until you feel it buzzing. Check with your hands the force field of your plants, then zap them with energy through your wand. Check again how their force field has changed.
General Clearing of a Person
A person should stand 3-4 foot away from you. You spray energy from their hips down through their legs and into the earth. Imagine you are clearing away unwanted or stagnant Chi, just like you would with a garden hose. Clear out from the shoulders down the arms and out from the hands. Clear the spine out through the legs. Clear from the shoulders out through the head reaching up to about six feet above. Then imagine combing out impurities from the body and force field by sweeping motions going from the center of the person to 3-4 feet outside of their body. Strange sensations may occur when blocks of energy are released and chakras are opened. The effect of the wand should be easily observed in the physical world. For instance the facial expression of the person will change when an energy hot spot has been discovered. Also the mood of the room varies according to the emotions processed. The healer will most likely feel/experience the energies in their own body, so it is very important to stay connected to the energy from the earth or heavens, especially when strong emotional charges are being released. The healer must be careful not to absorb any of these energies, they must be connected to the heavens and grounded at all times. The room should also be purified by burning sage once the session has been completed, to remove any negative residue.
When I touch a crystal or use a healing wand I don’t feel anything. Is there something wrong with me?
In our Western culture we are not trained to pay attention to the sensations in our bodies and hands, so we do not know what to look for or how it feels when we talk about ‘feeling’ the energy of a crystal, a wand, or our chakras. Try the following exercise.
Rub your hands together 7 times 7 (49). This will activate your Chi or energy. Then separate your hands and bring them slowly together again. You may feel some type of pressure increasing when you get to the final few inches. You may also feel something like heat, or coolness, or even tingling. People feel the same energy in different ways. The same as a room full of people can look at one image and all will notice a different aspect of it.