General Topics Leanne McCulloch General Topics Leanne McCulloch

2023 Where did that go?

I don’t think I can recall a year going by quite as fast as 2023. It felt like we had Christmas 2022 and then suddenly we had arrived at the very same point in no time at all?? That twelve months was the quickest I believe I have ever experienced.

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General Topics Leanne McCulloch General Topics Leanne McCulloch

2022 in Review

2022 The year that flew in review! What a year it has been, so so busy and the time literally flew on by with me being very mobile out in the community. What did I learn in 2022?

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General Topics Leanne McCulloch General Topics Leanne McCulloch

The Sunrise

With the coming of the New Year I decided to give the website a little makeover. You will notice sunrise images appearing prominently throughout the website.

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