General Topics Leanne McCulloch General Topics Leanne McCulloch

2023 Where did that go?

I don’t think I can recall a year going by quite as fast as 2023. It felt like we had Christmas 2022 and then suddenly we had arrived at the very same point in no time at all?? That twelve months was the quickest I believe I have ever experienced.

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Events Leanne McCulloch Events Leanne McCulloch

SALA 2023

I was lucky enough to feature in two exhibitions this year. I am incredibly passionate about SALA and what it can do for all artists participating. Read on for a rundown of my experiences in this years SALA Festival.

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General Topics Leanne McCulloch General Topics Leanne McCulloch

2022 in Review

2022 The year that flew in review! What a year it has been, so so busy and the time literally flew on by with me being very mobile out in the community. What did I learn in 2022?

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General Topics Leanne McCulloch General Topics Leanne McCulloch

The Sunrise

With the coming of the New Year I decided to give the website a little makeover. You will notice sunrise images appearing prominently throughout the website.

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Events Leanne McCulloch Events Leanne McCulloch


The Bowerbird Designers & Makers event, 26th to 28th November, Wayville Showgrounds Adelaide SA. Fabulous Christmas shopping on offer. See you there.

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Events Leanne McCulloch Events Leanne McCulloch

Events Page

It is my intention to ‘put myself out there’ at some of the fantastic expos and markets we have here in South Australia. Event One coming up soon - Body, Mind & Psychic Expo.

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How To Leanne McCulloch How To Leanne McCulloch

How to use a pendulum.

The Pendulum is perhaps one of the simplest and most effective methods of divination existing today. ‘Pendulum Power’ allows you to easily tap into your Higher Self.

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Art & Creating Leanne McCulloch Art & Creating Leanne McCulloch

Making Art Affordable

I take so many photos of my work as I go, little sections of larger works that flow onto my Instagram page. Perfect bits of flowing colour and form, it seemed such a waste not to use them.

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How To Leanne McCulloch How To Leanne McCulloch

How to use a Wand

A crystal wand has a force field or aura around it like any other object. It is easy to feel this field when you slowly wave the tip of the wand over the opened left palm.

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